The Institute of Materials and Systems for Sustainability, IMaSS, is the largest research institute in Nagoya University, comprising the Center for Integrated Research of Future Electronics directed by Prof. Amano, a recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics, the Advanced Measurement Technology Center with the world leading 1,000 kV Reaction Science High Voltage Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope, the Division of Materials Research, the Division of Systems Research, Funded Research Divisions, and Industry-Academia Collaborative Chairs. Since its establishment as EcoTopia Science Institute in 2004, the institute has been conducting studies on materials and systems to realize the sustainable development of a prosperous and environment-compatible society amidst global-scale environmental and resource-related challenges.

The institute has been designated as a Joint Usage/Research Center by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). Through joint usage and research related to energy management technologies, it serves as a venue for everything from fundamental research through to system-building for actual deployment in society. The institute also supports national and international joint research activities through its research collaboration agreements with research institutes, industries and governments all over the world.

In order to provide an opportunity for exchanging new research results and for networking of engineers and researchers working for a sustainable society, IMaSS will organize the International Conference on Materials and Systems for Sustainability 2019 (ICMaSS2019) over three days from November 1st to 3rd, 2019. This conference, formerly named the International Symposium on EcoTopia Sciences, was first held in 2005 and since then continuously every two years.

Since the importance of the research for a sustainable society is ever increasing, the organizers hope that ICMaSS2019 will have many research presentations and participants, stimulate active discussions and networking. We invite all of you to share and exchange the latest products of your research in your specialist area. In particular, the active participation of young researchers is essential for a long-term solution to create a society in harmony with our global environment. We therefore hope that this conference will contribute to the development of younger generation human resources.

We appreciate your kind and generous support as well as your encouragement.

ICMaSS2019 Executive Committee Chair
Professor Masaaki KATAYAMA
Institute of Materials and Systems for Sustainability, Nagoya University


  1. Advanced measurements using X-ray and electrons for materials science
  2. Nuclear emulsion technology and related topics: muon radiography, fundamental sciences, evaluation and education of radiation effects
  3. Nanomaterials for Electronic and Energy Applications
  4. Energy Conversion and Network Systems for Smart Society
  5. Low-carbon energy and eco-cycle system analysis and assessment
Joint Symposia
  • NU-NUS Symposium
  • Emerging Technologies for Next Generation Electric Power Systems
  • International Symposium on Creation of Life Innovation Materials for Interdisciplinary and International Researcher Development Satellite (iLIM-s)


Research fields ranging from materials to system technologies will be of interest in the conference. Scientists and engineers from any discipline, who are engaged in research, development and technology areas related to such research fields, are invited to contribute papers. All submitted papers will be presented for the publication and presentation in oral or poster sessions. Younger scientists and students are particularly welcome to ICMaSS2019. Best presentation prizes will be awarded to outstanding authors of poster sessions.

Those who intend to contribute papers are requested to submit a short abstract of not more than 200 words through the web. After acceptance of the abstract, the authors should submit the extended abstract. The length of the extended abstract should fit on one A4 page including all references, tables and figures.

The CALL FOR PAPERS is ready for download in PDF file.